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ArtSource Open Studio

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

The annual Artsource Open Studios was a successful day.

Thanks to Christophe Canato, we ended the Spring mentoring Program with the opportunity to be part of the annual Artsource Open Studios. This Saturday we moved into one of the artist in residence studio for a day. Amongst 45 other artists we showcased our new body of work and met an incredible amount of people. Having the chance to share with other creatives minds as professionals was without a doubt a unforgettable experience.

Personally, I found a real cohesion between the 6 mentees that people could feel as soon they stepped into the exhibition room. With a real excitement, I showcased some new works I have been working on for the past months, 2 portraits brought to 3 dimensions with the help of a scroll saw.

Open Studio Artsource


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